ONU: Niños migrantes, default, Maduro...

Cynthia J. Arnson, director of the Latin American Program, is quoted in this article about the recent wave of child migrants and other current issues in the region.


"Los mandatarios centroamericanos podrían también hacer un llamado a que se respeten los derechos humanos de estos niños migrantes y expresar su decepción porque el Congreso de Estados Unidos no ha aprobado una reforma a las leyes de inmigración, de acuerdo con Cynthia Arnson, directora del programa de Latinoamérica para el Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, que analiza asuntos de política internacional en Washington.

"Es un tema muy sensible para toda la región", dijo la experta.

Todos estos son, de hecho, asuntos relacionados: mientras haya consumo de drogas, particularmente en Estados Unidos, seguirá habiendo narcotráfico, violencia, corrupción, pobreza y emigración en los países productores de narcóticos."


To read the entire article, click here.

Latin America Program

The Wilson Center’s prestigious Latin America Program provides non-partisan expertise to a broad community of decision makers in the United States and Latin America on critical policy issues facing the Hemisphere. The Program provides insightful and actionable research for policymakers, private sector leaders, journalists, and public intellectuals in the United States and Latin America. To bridge the gap between scholarship and policy action, it fosters new inquiry, sponsors high-level public and private meetings among multiple stakeholders, and explores policy options to improve outcomes for citizens throughout the Americas. Drawing on the Wilson Center’s strength as the nation’s key non-partisan policy forum, the Program serves as a trusted source of analysis and a vital point of contact between the worlds of scholarship and action.   Read more

Latin America Program