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John Crowley

Public Policy Scholar


    June 1, 2012 — August 3, 2012

    Professional affiliation

    Research Coordinator for the Crisis Dynamics Program, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative Analyst for the Center for Technology and National Security Policy at the National Defense University

    Wilson Center Projects

    "Disaster Relief 2.2: The State of the Interface between Crowdsourcing and U.S. Disaster Response Agencies"

    Full Biography

    John Crowley explores the policy and technology interface between the formal humanitarian system and emerging technology communities like OpenStreetMap and Ushahidi, with the aim of improving coordination between actors in the humanitarian system. As a researcher at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, John was the lead author of the 2011 Disaster Response 2.0 study for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), which proposed a framework for dialogue between the international humanitarian system and emerging technology communities. At the National Defense University, John coordinates the Camp Roberts RELIEF experiments in a partnership with the Naval Postgraduate School. John is an alumnus of the Kennedy School of Government's Mid-Career MPA program, where he was the Robert C. Seamans, Jr. Fellow in Science, Technology, and Public Policy. He holds an MA in History of Ideas from the University Professors at Boston University, and a MusB in Cello Performance and Music History & Literature from the Boston University School of Music.

    Major Publications

    "Disaster Relief 2.0: The Future of Information Sharing in Humanitarian Operations." John Crowley and Jennifer Chan. Washington, DC and Berkshire, UK: UN Foundation and Vodafone Foundation (March 2011).

    “Napster’s Second Life: The Regulatory Challenges of Virtual Worlds.” Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and John Crowley. Northwestern University Law Review 100 (2006): 1775-1826.

    "Haiti 2010: Crisis Mapping the Earthquake" with Jeff Johnson and Schuyler Erle