Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Origins of the Berlin Wall
14 June 1948, CIA Report on Effect of Soviet Restrictions on the U.S. Position in Berlin
28 September 1948, Consequences of a Breakdown in Four-Power Negotiations on Germany
10 December 1948, CIA Memoradum for the President on the Situation in Berlin
The East German Uprising of 1953
The Soviet Occupation: Moscow's Man in (East) Berlin
Stalin and the SED Leadership, 7 April 1952: "You Must Organize Your Own State"
Reexamining Soviet Policy Towards Germany During the Beria Interregnum
Malenkov on the German Question, 2 June 1953
The United States, the East German Uprising of 1953, and the Limits of Rollback
Western Intelligence and the Division of German Science
The Berlin Crisis of 1958-1961
30 November 1960, Record of Meeting of Comrade N.S. Khrushchev with Comrade W. Ulbricht
15 September 1961, Letter from [Walter] Ulbricht to [Nikita] Khrushchev
28 September 1961, Letter from [Nikita] Khrushchev to [Walter] Ulbricht,
New Evidence on Khrushchev's 1958 Berlin Ultimatum
Khrushchev's November 1958 Berlin Ultimatum: New Evidence from the Polish Archives
The Berlin Crisis and the Khrushchev-Ulbricht Summits in Moscow, 9 and 18 June 1959
Khrushchev's Secret Speech on the Berlin Crisis, August 1961 [Document]
New Sources on the Berlin Crisis 1958-1962
Khrushchev and the Berlin Crisis
The End of the Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962: New Evidence From the Polish and East German Archives
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
26 November 1980, Letter from [Erich] Honecker to [Leonid] Brezhnev
9 October 1989, Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Berlin to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
6 November 1989, Note of Conversation on GDR-FRG Economic Cooperation
7 November 1989, Minutes No. 49 of the Meeting of the SED Politburo
9 November 1989, Draft Transit Rules
9 November 1989, Transcript of the Tenth Session of the SED Central Committee
9 November 1989, Press Conference Announcing the New Transit Rules
10 November 1989, Verbal Message from Mikhail Gorbachev to Helmut Kohl
East German Spying Reveals NATO War Plans
The Fall of the Wall: The Unintended Dissolution of East Germany’s Ruling Regime
New Evidence on the "Soviet Factor" in the Peaceful Revolutions of 1989
Cold War International History Project
The Cold War International History Project supports the full and prompt release of historical materials by governments on all sides of the Cold War. Read more