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Lucia Capuzzi - OGGI Newspaper, 09/16/2011

"«Proprio la richiesta cinese è tra i principali fattori che hanno resi meno traumatico l’impatto della recessione
del 2008 in Sud e Centro America », spiega Paulo Sotero, direttore dell’istituto brasiliano del Wilson Center
di Washington e esperto di geopolitica. In controluce, però, «l’invadenza» del Dragone assume i connotati meno
rassicuranti di un «nuovo colonialismo» economico.

CNN Wire Staff - CNN, 09/15/2011

"The difference this time, Sotero said, is that the president is reacting to corruption allegations that surface and pushing ministers out at the risk of destabilizing her coalition.

'We know that there is a problem of corruption in Brazil, and what is different now is that if you are corrupt and it is revealed, chances are you will not stay in your position,' he said."

NPR, 09/07/2011

"Brazil is not just going to be an oil-exporting country," says Paulo Sotero, director of the Brazil Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. "That's not all it's going to do."