Articles by Fazley Siddiq; 2012-2013 Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Canada-U.S. Relations, professor of economics at the School of Public Administration at Dalhousie University, fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
"How the Demographic Shift is Changing Politics in America" is available here (from The Mark, January 2, 2013).
"What Rebublicans should learn from Obama and Harper" is available here (from iPolitics, December 13, 2012).
"Mixed Electoral Outcomes and the Triumph of Ideological Politics" is available here (from The Mark, December 10, 2012).
"Courting the Minority Vote: The Master Craftsmen North and South of the 49th Parallel!" is availble here and below as an attachment (November 14, 2012).
"American Wealth, Power, Poverty and Inequality: Glimpses of Election Day through the Eyes of a Visitor" is available here and below as an attachment (from Fulbright Canada Blog, November 13, 2012).
Articles by Barbara Falk; Wilson Center public policy scholar, associate professor in the Department of Defence Studies at Canadian Forces College
"Four More Years" is available here (from The Mark, November 8, 2012).
"Washington: A Silent Capital" is availble here (from The Mark, October 30, 2012).
"The Illusion of Power" is available here (from The Mark, October 26, 2012).
Article by Pierre Martin; former Wilson Center public policy scholar, professor of political science and chair of American Political and Economic Studies at the Université de Montréal
"Which Party is Better for Canada?" is available here (from the CIC, October 26, 2012).
Video: "U.S. Elections and Their Implications for Canada: Status Quo or Radical Change?"