Offsite Event: International Conference on China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries during the Cold War

The International Conference on China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries during the Cold War will take place in Shanghai, October 26-October 29, 2013.

International Conference on China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries during the Cold War

October 26-29, 2013

Conference Organizers

Center for Cold War International History Studies, ECNU
History and Public Policy Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

October 26


October 27

Opening Remarks

Chair: Zhang Baijia (CCP CC Party History Research Office, East China Normal University)

Shen Zhihua, Professor and Director, Center for Cold War International History Studies, East China Normal University

Christian Ostermann, Director, History and Public Policy, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Keynote Speeches

Chair: Yafeng Xia (Long Island University)

Chen Jian (Cornell University, ECNU): “Legacies of the Past: Rethinking the Meanings of the Diaoyu Question and China’s ‘Frontier Challenges’ during the Cold War”

Shen Zhihua (East China Normal University): “Research on History of China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries Should be Enhanced”

Unit 1

Chair: Cui Pi (East China Normal University)

Shen Zhihua(East China Normal University): “Contrary to Original Intension: China’s Policy in Handling Border Conflicts and Its Results” (10 minutes)

Zhang An (Central China Normal University): “The Beginning and the End of the Swift Resolution of the Sino-Afghanistan Border Issue in the 1960s” (10 minutes)

Han Xiaoqing (CCP Central Party School): “The Background, the Process and the Factors Regarding the Sino-Pakistani Border Negotiations” (10 minutes)

Discussant: Liu Xiaoyuan (Iowa State University) (20 minutes)

Unit 2

Chair: Yu Weimin (East China Normal University)

Cui Pi (East China Normal University): “Review on the Diaoyu Island Issue during the American-Japanese Negotiations on the Reversion of Okinawa” (10 minutes)

Li Danhui (East China Normal University): “A State-within-a-state: Exploration on the Soviet Social Foundation in Xinjiang, 1945-1965” (10 minutes)

Zhang Xiaojun (Engineer Retired, Son of Zhang Guohua): “Review on the Policy Making of CCP on the ‘Tibet Issue’ in the Early 1950s: From the Perspective of Analysis an Proposal from Corps 18 Research Office”(10 minutes)

Mu Ani (Renmin University of China): “An initial Study into New China’s policy in Annulling Nepal’s Special Rights in Tibet” (10 minutes)

Discussant: Niu Jun (Peking University) / David Wolff(Nottingham University, Ningbo)(20 minutes)

Unit 3

Chair: Joseph F. Pilat (Senior Scholar, the Wilson Center, and Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Liu Xiaoyuan (Iowa State University): “Modern Tibet Issue: Historical Traces and Continuity” (10 minutes)

Huang Yuxing(Boston College):“Multilateral Asymmetry in Multi-polarity: China’s South Asia Strategy, 1949-62” (10 minutes)

Sonia Cordera(Torino World Affairs Institute): “The Sino-Indian Rivalry and the Indian Subcontinent from the 1960s to the 1970s: A Perspective from New Delhi” (10 minutes)

Jagannath P. Panda (Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses): “The Panchsheel Discourse: Post-1954 Sino-Indian Relations” (10 minutes)

Discussant: Dai Chaowu (East China Normal University) (20 minutes)

Unit 4

Chair: James Person (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars)

Niu Jun (Peking University):“Who Overwhelms the Korean War Ceasefire? Sino-Soviet-Korean Relations and Beijing’s Policy toward the Ceasefire Negotiations” (10 minutes)

Lee Dong-jun(Korea University): “The Politics of Lips and Teeth: Revisiting the Formation of the 1961 Sino-North Korean Alliance Treaty from the Chinese Perspective” (10 minutes)

Dong Jie (CCP Central Party School): “Seeking the Second Best Option: China’s Economic Aid to North Korea after the Sino-Soviet Split, 1961-1965” (10 minutes)

Song Xiaoqin (Shanxi University): “The Soviet Union and the Korean War: From the UN Perspective” (10 minutes)

Discussant: Yu Weimin (East China Normal University) (20 minutes)

October 28

Unit 5

Chair: Yafeng Xia (Long Island University)

Yutaka Kanda (Niigata University):“The Sino-Soviet Split and Japan’s China Policy in the 1960s” (10 minutes)

Sergey Radchenko(Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Aberystwyth University):“Deng Xiaoping, Gorbachev, and the Sino-Soviet Normalization: A Reassessment” (10 minutes)

Alsu Tagirova (Zhongshan University): “The Origins and Birth of the Sino-Soviet Friendship Society” (10 minutes)

Wang Zhenyou (Renmin University of China): “A Preliminary Study on the Soviet Ambassador at the Expense of Travel Events to China in 1961” (10 minutes)

David Wolff(Nottingham University, Ningbo): “Cold War Border Policies: Did Mao learn from Stalin or did Stalin learn from Mao?” (10 minutes)

Discussant: Shen Zhihua (East China Normal University) (30 minutes)

Unit 6

Chair: Zhang Baijia (CCP CC Party History Research Office)

Jiang Huajie (East China Normal University): “China’s Policy in Training International Students during the Cold War” (10 minutes)

Liu Xiaopeng (Tamkang University): “The Republic of China and the Africans during the Cold War” (10 minutes)

Zhan Xin (Northeast Normal University): “Early Modifications in China’s Nuclear Arms Control Policy, 1969-1977” (10 minutes)

Discussant: Yafeng Xia (Long Island University) (20 minutes)

Unit 7

Chair: Xu Xianfen(East China Normal University)

Gao Yanjie (Xiamen University): “Research Review on the Studies of Sino-Indonesian Relations during the Early Stages of the Cold War” (10 minutes)

You Lan (East China Normal University), “Wavering between the Camps: Sukarno’s Middle Course under the Background of Cold War” (10 minutes)

Yang Fangfang (Wuhan University): “A Preliminary Study on Burma’s Relations with China, 1948-1988” (10 minutes)

Discussant: Qiang Zhai (Auburn University) (20 minutes)

Unit 8

Chair: Qiang Zhai (Auburn University)

Yu Weimin (East China Normal University): “Why Kim Il-sung? The Soviet’s Choice and the Origins of Sino-North Korean Relations, 1940-1953” (10 minutes)

Dai Chaowu(East China Normal University):China’s Reaction to Indian Occupation of South McMahon Line Territory, 1951-1954 (10 minutes)

Li Guofang (CCP Central Party School): “From National Self-determination, Federal System to Ethnic Regional Autonomy: The Evolution and Practice of the CCP’s Nationality Policy, 1921-1949” (10 minutes)

Ru Yawei (Northeast Normal University):“U.S Policy regarding the Settlement for Refugees from Hong Kong during the Early Cold War, 1950-1960” (10 minutes)

Discussant: Zhang Baijia (CCP CC Party History Research Office) (20 minutes)

Unit 9

Chair: Dai Chaowu (East China Normal University)

Zhang Mianli (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): “China’s Economic and Technical Aid to Vietnam during Vietnam’s Reconstruction Period, 1958-1964” (10 minutes)

Shao Xiao (Jinan University) : “Sino-American Talks and Vietnamese-American Negotiations: Sino-American-Vietnamese Triangular Relations during the Vietnam War, 1971-1972”(10 minutes)

Zhang Yang (Northeast Normal University): “An Outward Journey in Chinese Education in Southeast Asian Countries during the Cold War with Discussion on the American Policy Debates on Nanyang University” (10 minutes)

Discussant: Li Danhui (East China Normal University) /Enrico Fardella(Peking University)(20 minutes)

Unit 10

Chair/Discussant: Xu Xianfen(East China Normal University) (20 minutes)

Gao Jiayi (East China Normal University):“The Archival Documentation on Sino-Indochina Relations in France during the Cold War: An Introduction” (10 minutes)

Chen Bo (East China Normal University): “The Archival Documentation on China’s Relations with States in Its Periphery in Vietnam and Provinces in Southern China: An Introduction” (10 minutes)

Liang Zhi (East China Normal University):“The Archival Documentation on Burmese Relations with Great Powers in the Early Cold War at the Burmese National Archives: An Introduction” (10 minutes)

Wang Chenyi (Nanyang Technological University): “From Sino-Soviet-Vietnamese ‘Smaller Triangular’ to Sino-Soviet-American ‘Bigger Triangular’: Rethinking the Sino-Vietnamese Relations during the Vietnam War, 1964-1973” (10 minutes)

Closing Remarks

Chair: Yu Weimin (East China Normal University)

Shen Zhihua, Professor and Director, Center for Cold War International History Studies, East China Normal University

Christian Ostermann, Director, History and Public Policy, Woodrow Wilson International Center

October 29


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Cold War International History Project