The Woodrow Wilson Center Announces the Inaugural 2020-2021 Wilson China Fellowship Class

WASHINGTON— The Wilson Center is pleased to announce the members of the inaugural 2020-2021 Wilson China Fellowship class, a new China-focused non-residential fellowship supporting the next generation of American scholarship on China. It is made possible by the generous support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

This class of 16 Wilson China Fellows includes scholars and practitioners working on a diverse range of policy-relevant issue areas vital to understanding the rise of China and its implications for the United States and the world. They also represent the geographic breadth of American scholarship on China: this class of scholars is based in four countries around the world and eight states across the US.

“The Wilson Center is committed to bringing cutting-edge academic analysis to key foreign policy issues, and no issue is more important than understanding the geopolitical implications of China’s rise,” said Abraham Denmark, Director of the Asia Program. “The Wilson China Fellowship will be a critical source of China analysis in Washington, and will promote China expertise among the rising generation of young American scholars.”

Robert Daly, Director of the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States, said, “Neither China’s domestic development, nor US-China relations, can be usefully evaluated outside the Indo-Pacific context. The Wilson China Fellowship will bring together young American scholars whose research will inform American policy throughout the region.”

The 2020-2021 class of Wilson China Fellows are listed below, along with the projects they will pursue while in residence at the Wilson Center.

Darren Byler; Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Asia Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder; “Chinese Technologies of Population Management on the New Silk Road.”

Sara Castro; Assistant Professor, Department of History, United States Air Force Academy; “Lop Nur and the US Intelligence Gaze: Evaluating the American Intelligence Process During China’s Nuclearization.”

Christopher Colley; Assistant Professor of Security Studies, National Defense College of the United Arab Emirates; “An Emerging Great Power Triangle? China, India and the United States in the Indian Ocean Region.”

Rush Doshi; Fellow and Director, China Strategy Initiative, Brookings Institution and Yale Law School; “China’s ‘New Frontiers:’ The Change Geopolitics of Space, the Poles, and the Deep Sea.”

Alexander Dukalskis; Assistant Professor, School of Politics and International Relations at University College Dublin; “Authoritarian Image Management & PRC ‘Advertorials’ in Foreign Publications”

Julian Gewirtz; (Term: March 2020-August 2020) Academy Scholar, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University; “Catch Up and Surpass: Technology and China’s Quest for Wealth and Power.”

Sheena Chestnut Greitens; Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Missouri; “Assessing the Global Impact of Chinese Surveillance Technology.”

Isaac Kardon; Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic and Operational Research, US Naval War College; “China’s ‘New Era’ of Influence on Pakistan.”

Lami Kim; Lecturer, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong; “Nuclear Belt and Road: China’s Nuclear Exports and Its Implications for World Politics.”

Wendy Leutert; GLP-Ming Z. Mei Chair of Chinese Economics and Trade, Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies and the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Indiana University; “The International Origins of China’s National Champions.”

Jessica Liao; Assistant Professor of Political Science, School of Public and International Affairs, North Carolina State University; “A Rising China and Southeast Asia’s Economic and Energy Future: Motivations, Position, and Impact.”

Adam Liff; Associate Professor of East Asian International Relations, Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, Indiana University; “The US-Japan Alliance and Taiwan.”

Xiao Liu; Assistant Professor at McGill University; “Understanding China’s Governance Space of Personal Data.”

Oriana Skylar Mastro; Assistant Professor of Security Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University; “The Heart of the Matter: Understanding Chinese Intentions in the South China Sea and Implications for US Strategy.”

Joshua Shifrinson; Assistant Professor of International Relations, Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University; “The US-China Competition in Historical and Theoretical Perspective.”

Cecilia Springer; Senior Researcher, Boston University's Global China Initiative; “Environmental Sustainability and China’s Hydropower Development in Southeast Asia.”

Notes to Editors:

  1. The Wilson Center was chartered by Congress as the nation’s living memorial to President Woodrow Wilson. Through the work of its staff and fellows, it connects deep scholarship to urgent policy questions.


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