Communism in Saudi Arabia with Toby Matthiesen
Duration:35:33Posted date/time:

Episode 14 – Toby Matthiesen
During his extensive work on the Arabian peninsula, Toby Matthiesen has explored many different aspects of Post-War Saudi history, including the development of the Communist Party of Saudi Arabia. In this discussion with Kian and Pieter, Dr. Matthiesen explains the nuances of the CPSA’s belief systems, it’s role as a regional player in the Gulf, as well as Dr. Matthiesen’s own experiences conducting research on the region.

Toby Matthiesen
Marie Curie Global Fellow at Stanford University and Ca' Foscari University in Venice.

Pieter Biersteker
Program Coordinator, History and Public Policy Program

Kian Byrne
Program Associate, History and Public Policy Program
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