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The Breakdown of Class Politics: A Debate on Post-Industrial Stratification

The Breakdown of Class Politics: A Debate on Post-Industrial Stratification, edited by Terry Nichols Clark and Seymour Martin Lipset


Woodrow Wilson Center Press with Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001


The Breakdown of Class Politics: A Debate on Post-Industrial Stratification, edited by Terry Nichols Clark and Seymour Martin Lipset




Class and its linkage to politics became a controversial and exciting topic again in the 1990s. Terry Clark and Seymour Martin Lipset published “Are Social Classes Dying?” in 1991, which sparked a lively debate and much new research. The main critics of Clark and Lipset—at Oxford and Berkeley—held (initially) that class was more persistent than Clark and Lipset suggested. The positions were sharply opposed and involved several conceptual and methodological concerns. But the issues grew more nuanced as further reflections and evidence accumulated.

This book draws on four main conferences organized by the editors. Sharply contrasting views are forcefully argued with rich and subtle evidence. The volume includes a broad overview and synthesis; major reports by leading participants; and original theoretical and empirical contributions.

Terry Nichols Clark is Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago. He has written and edited some 25 books, including The New Political Culture and City Money. Seymour Martin Lipset is Hazel Professor Public Policy, George Mason University. His books include Political Man; Class, Status, and Party; Agrarian Socialism; The First New Nation; Revolution and Counterrevolution; and American Exceptionalism. He has served as editor of Public Opinion magazine.