Robert S. Litwak is Vice President for Programs and Director of International Security Studies at the Wilson Center. Barry Posen is a current Woodrow Wilson Center Public Policy Scholar and Ford International Professor of Political Science and MIT Security Studies Program Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In 1968 Congress established the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars as the nation's official memorial to its 28th President. Since then the Center has worked to bring policymakers and scholars together in pursuit of better public policy. In part two of Living Memorial dialogue host John Milewski speaks with Robert Litwak and spotlights the current work of Public Policy Scholar Barry Posen, focusing on U.S. strategy as it relates to national security. They are joined in the studio by high school students who have traveled to Washington from Alaska, California, Georgia, Texas, and Utah to participate in the Close Up Foundation's government studies program. Scheduled for broadcast starting December 9, 2009 on MHz Worldview channel.