Mexico City - September 28, 2023: Aerial front view of the the Angel of Independence on Paseo de la Reforma during sunset.

The Mexico Institute seeks to improve understanding, communication, and cooperation between Mexico and the United States by promoting original research, encouraging public discussion, and proposing policy options for enhancing the bilateral relationship. A binational Advisory Board, chaired by Luis Téllez Kuenzler and Earl Anthony Wayne, oversees the work of the Mexico Institute. The Advisory Board is composed of preeminent leaders in business, academia, and public life who understand the importance of the relationship between the two countries and help set the direction for the Institute’s work.  The full advisory board list is below.


Dr. Luis Téllez, Head of Mexico for KKR; former Chairman and CEO Mexican Stock Exchange; former Secretary of Energy and of Transportation & former Chief of Staff of President Zedillo; Member, McLarty Associates’ Board of Counselors

Amb. E. Anthony Wayne, Former United States Ambassador to Mexico; Public Policy Fellow, Wilson Center 

Co-Chairs Emeritus                              

Mr. José Antonio Fernández Carbajal, Executive Chairman, FEMSA

Mr. Roger W. Wallace, Vice President, Government Affairs, Pioneer Natural Resources


Dr. Sergio Aguayo, Professor, El Colegio de México and Harvard University

Mr. Herb Allen, President, Allen and Company, LLC, Honorary Member

Dr. Roderic Ai Camp, Philip McKenna Professor of the Pacific Rim, Claremont McKenna College

Mr. Alejandro Baillères, Chairman, Grupo BAL & ITAM

Amb. Martha Bárcena, Former Mexican Ambassador to the United States

Ms. Magdalena Carral, Founding Partner, Carral, Sierra y Asociados S.C.

Dr. María Amparo Casar, President, Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad

Mr. Pedro E. Corona de la Fuente, Partner, Procopio

Mr. John S. Creamer, Chargé d'Affaires, US Embassy Mexico

Vacant Seat, Amazon Web Services Institute

Amb. Jeffrey Davidow, Former United States Ambassador to Mexico; Senior Counselor, Cohen Group

Amb. Carlos de Icaza, Former Mexican Ambassador to the United States; Partner, Creel, García–Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C

Dr. Luis de la Calle, Founding Partner and Managing Director, De la Calle, Madrazo & Mancera

Dr. Rossana Fuentes-Berain, Founder, Mexico Media Lab

Mr. Felipe García Moreno, Senior Country Officer and Managing Director, JPMorgan Chase     

Mr. Christian Gomez, Director, Global Government Affairs, Latin America, Walmart 

Mr. Edgar Guillaumin, Vice President of Public Affairs, Constellation Brands 

Amb. Gerónimo Gutiérrez Fernández, Former Mexican Ambassador to the United States; Managing Partner, Beel Infrastructure Partners

Hon. Lawrence Harrington, Affiliated Faculty Program, Center for Latin American Studies, Vanderbilt University, Former US Representative of the Inter-American Development Bank in Mexico

Mr. Carlos Heredia, Professor, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)

Mr. Ryan Hill, Director, International Government Affairs, Amgen, Inc.

Amb. Roberta Jacobson, Former United States Ambassador to Mexico

Mr. Guillermo Jasson, Managing Partner, Cross Fields Capital, LLC

Amb. James Jones, Former United States Ambassador to Mexico; Chairman, Monarch Global Strategies LLC  

Mr. Jasper Jung, Executive Director, Global Strategic Initiatives, General Motors

Amb. Christopher Landau, Former United States Ambassador to Mexico 

Mr. Jason Larrabee, Manager, Federal & International Affairs – Downstream & Chemicals, Chevron

Ms. Cecilia De La Macorra, Senior Director for the Americas, International Government Relations, ExxonMobil Exploración y Producción México

Mr. Eugenio Madero Pinson, Vice Chairman and CEO, Rassini

Mr. Hugo Martinez, Head of Government Relations and Public Policy Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean, Google

Amb. Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, Mexican Ambassador to the United States

Luz María de la Mora, Former Vice Minister of Foreign Trade of Mexico

Ms. Silvia Núñez, Director, UNAM Los Angeles

Mr. Tom O’Brien, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, Driscoll’s, Inc.

Dr. Alejandro Poiré, Ph.D. Dean, School of Social Sciences and Government, Tecnológico de Monterrey 

Mr. Raúl Rodríguez, Emeritus Council, U.S Mexico Foundation

Dr. Luis Rubio, Chairman, México Evalúa; Former President, Consejo Méxicano de Asuntos Internacionales (COMEXI)

Amb. Ken Salazar, United States Ambassador to Mexico

Amb. Arturo Sarukhán, Former Mexican Ambassador to the United States; Founder and President, Sarukhan + Associates

Dr. Andrew Selee, President, Migration Policy Institute; Former Executive Vice President, Wilson Center; Founding Director, Mexico Institute

Ms. Martha Smith, Philanthropy Professional        

Mr. Jorge Suárez Vélez, Managing Director, Allen and Company, LLC

Mr. Edward Burrier, Director, Public Policy, TC Energy Corporation

Mr. Javier Treviño, Senior Vice President for Corporate Affairs, Wal-Mart of Mexico and Central America

Dr. Raúl Cervantes Andrade, Former Attorney General of Mexico