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Alexander Shelby

Professional affiliation

Part-time professor, American Military University; Full-time professor, Indian River College

Dr. Alex Shelby is part-time professor at American Military University and a full-time professor at Indian River College.

Full Biography

Dr. Alex Shelby is part-time professor at American Military University and a full-time professor at Indian River College. He attended the University of New Orleans for his MA in American History and attended Florida State University for his PhD in American Foreign Relations in the Middle East and Islamic World. His first book is Lyndon Johnson and the Postwar Order in the Middle East, 1962-1967, which comes out next month and deals with American foreign relations in the Middle East during the Lyndon B. Johnson presidency. He is fluent in Arabic and has rudimentary knowledge in Hebrew, and Persian and plans to learn modern Turkish.  His second book will deal with Dwight Eisenhower’s approach to containment in the Middle East during the Cold War.