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Alexandra Novitskaya

Former Title VIII Research Scholar


    September 4, 2023 — June 4, 2024

    Wilson Center Projects

    New Queer Dissidents: Politics and Geopolitics of post-Soviet LGBTQ Migration to the United States

    Full Biography

    Alexandra Novitskaya is a 2023-24 Title VIII Research Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center's Kennan Institute. Previously, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Robert F. Byrnes Russian and East European Institute, Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, Indiana University Bloomington. She holds a PhD in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies from Stony Brook University. Her research interests include queer migration and political asylum, LGBTQ human rights, and geopolitics of homo- and transphobia. Her research has been published in The Russian Review, Post-Soviet Affairs, Europe-Asia Studies and NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies.