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Alfredo Romero

Former Lowenthal Public Policy Fellow


    September 3, 2019 — December 15, 2019

    Professional affiliation

    Executive Director, Foro Penal

    Full Biography

    Alfredo Romero is a lawyer best known for his work in Venezuela on behalf of the human rights cases involving political prisoners. He is currently the Executive Director of Foro Penal and previously worked with a team of academics and experts at the Center for Human Rights Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He holds a law degree from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, a master’s degree in Latin American Studies from Georgetown University, and a master’s degree in Public Financial Law from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has received various awards in recognition of his work and has been a speaker on human rights and the rule of law at several congresses. He is the author of Crimenes de lesa humanidad: un enfoque venezolano and Relatos de muerte en vivo.