Andrey Stanislavovich Makarychev

Former Central Eurasian Short-Term Scholar

Professional Affiliation

Professor, University of Tartu, Estonia

Wilson Center Project

Black Sea Regionalism: Integration, Security, Transborder Communication

Previous Terms

Regional Exchange Grant Kennan Institute Expertise: Russia and Eurasia; Russia Affiliation: Associate Professor, State University of Nizhny Novgorod Wilson Center Project(s): The Role of US Think Tanks in Foreign Policy Making Process: Comparing Patterns of Influence and Analytical Schools Term: May 01, 1999- Jul 01, 1999.Project Summary Analyzes the influence of think tanks within foreign policy decision making processes. Studies the forms of think tanks’ participation in foreign policy debates, ideas advanced by strategic studies, and patterns of interaction between analysts and political leaders. Focuses primarily on US think tank influence.