Arturo Sarukhán
Global Fellow
Professional Affiliation
Advisory Board Member, Mexico Institute, Wilson Center; Former Mexican Ambassador to the United States; Founder & President, Sarukhan + Associates
Expert Bio
Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan is an international strategic consultant, and the former Mexican Ambassador to the U.S. (2007-13). A Distinguished Visiting Scholar at University of Southern California’s Annenberg Public Diplomacy School and Adjunct Professor at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, he is a digital diplomacy pioneer. He writes for Mexico’s El Universal, as well as Op.-Ed pieces in U.S. media. He received the rank of Career Ambassador in 2006. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Inter-American Affairs, Chief of Policy Planning and Consul-General to New York, among other positions. He was Foreign Policy Advisor and International Spokesperson for Felipe Calderon's 2006 campaign, and led the foreign policy transition team. Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan earned a B.A. in International Relations from El Colegio de México; M.A. in U.S. Foreign Policy from SAIS-Johns Hopkins, where he was a Fulbright Scholar and Ford Foundation Fellow. He’s received numerous decorations, awards and honorary degrees in recognition of his diplomatic achievements. He sits on several boards.
Wilson Center Project
The Future of US-Mexico Relations
Project Summary
At no point since the mid-eighties has the U.S.-Mexico relationship reached the low-point in diplomatic relations that is faces today. With a new Administration assuming office in Mexico on December 1, it is imperative that a sober assessment take place in both Washington and Mexico City regarding the future of the bilateral agenda between both nations. In addition, an assessment of the impact the Trump Administration has had on public perceptions on either side of the border, and the willingness and political wiggle room in Mexico to continue building a strategic partnership with the U.S.
Major Publications
Charting a New Course: Policy Options for the Next Stage in U.S.-Mexico Relations
The real challenge to US-Mexico relations
Geopolítica, redes sociales y la elección en México
Previous Terms
Jan. 2015: “Impact and Effectiveness in the use of Digital Diplomacy by Ambassadors and Embassies in Washington”
Insight & Analysis by Arturo Sarukhán

- Past event
- Global Alliances & Partnerships
Mexico Election Series | Foreign Policy for the Future: Opportunities and Challenges

- Past event
- Geoeconomics
Convocation 2.0 Report Presentation | Strengthening the U.S.-Mexico Relationship

- Article
- Global Alliances & Partnerships
The 2021 North American Leaders Summit - Expectations and Opportunities

- Publication
- US Elections
Report | Re-Building a Complex Partnership: The Outlook for US-Mexico Relations under the Biden Administration
- By
- Andrew I. Rudman,
- Duncan Wood,
- Eduardo González Pier,
- and 10 more
- Publication
- US Elections
A Reset in US-Mexico Relations Also Requires Re-Engagement on Global and Regional Issues
- Article
- US Elections
Re-Building a Complex Partnership: The Outlook for U.S.-Mexico Relations under the Biden Administration
- By
- Andrew I. Rudman,
- Duncan Wood,
- Gema Kloppe-Santamaría,
- and 10 more