Beatriz Rey
Guest Speaker
Professional Affiliation
SNF Agora visiting fellow, John Hopkins University; Senior researcher, Center for Studies on the Brazilian Congress (NECON), State University of Rio de Janeiro
Expert Bio
Beatriz Rey is a Visiting Fellow at the SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University, a Senior Researcher at the Center for Studies on the Brazilian Congress (NECON) at the State University of Rio de Janeiro and a Fellow at POPVOX Foundation. She worked as a legislative assistant for Rep. Gregory W. Meeks at the U.S. House of Representatives as a 2021-2022 APSA Congressional Fellow. She holds a Ph.D. in political science from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University and a M.A. in political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a contributor to the Brazilian Policy Agendas Project, a consultant to research4impact and a columnist at the Brazilian Report.
Insight & Analysis by Beatriz Rey
- Past event
- Elections
What’s Next for Brazil? The 2022 Elections and Beyond

- Blog post
- Civil Society
Gun Violence is Killing Brazil’s Children - Especially Black Children. Why Haven't Policymakers Acted?
- By
- Beatriz Rey and
- Estevan Muniz

- Blog post
- Democracy
Brazil’s Congress is Becoming More Powerful, But That’s Not Necessarily Bad for Democracy