Bridget Ferriss
Professional Affiliation
Research Fish Biologist, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Expert Bio
Dr. Ferriss is a marine ecologist interested in how fish interact with their surrounding environment, and how understanding these relationships can contribute to sustainable fisheries management. She received her B.Sc. in biological oceanography from the University of British Columbia, and a Masters in Marine Affairs and a Ph.D. in Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences from the University of Washington. Dr. Ferris currently works at NOAA’s Alaska Fisheries Science Center in various efforts to advance ecosystem-based fisheries management. She is a lead editor for the Gulf of Alaska Ecosystem Status Report, which is an annual synthesis of the status of the Gulf of Alaska marine ecosystem communicated to the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council to inform their groundfish harvest-setting process. Her current research includes using a modeling approach to better understand how marine systems respond to varying harvest scenarios and environmental conditions. Through this work, she has become more engaged in related topics, such as methods of synthesis across multiple types of data and communities of knowledge holders, communication of science to management and the public, and the opportunities and challenges of ecosystem-based fisheries management.
Insight & Analysis by Bridget Ferriss
- Blog post
- Polar
Ecosystem Science Basis for Sustainable Fisheries and Climate Resiliency: Gulf of Alaska Walleye Pollock Example