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Diego von Vacano


Professional affiliation

Professor, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University

Wilson Center Projects

Power over Energy: The Geopolitics and Ethics of Lithium in Latin America

Full Biography

Dr. Diego von Vacano is a Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M University. He focuses on the geopolitics and ethics of lithium in Latin America for emerging energy sectors. Originally from Bolivia, he received his Ph.D. from Princeton University, MPP from Harvard's Kennedy School, and BA from Wesleyan University. He is working on a book on Bolivia's lithium resources and the politics (domestic as well as international) around their development. He advised President Luis Arce of Bolivia between 2019 and 2022. His previous work has been in political ethics and philosophy. He came to the US as a political refugee in his youth and has an interest in international football and its global impact.