Dmitry Kozlov
Professional affiliation
Wilson Center Projects
Komsomol Meetings, Streets and Dancing Halls. Producing Spaces For Public Action in 1950–60s Leningrad
Full Biography
Dmitry Kozlov was the Billington Fellow at the Kennan Institute with the project "Komsomol Meetings, Streets, and Dancing Halls: Producing Spaces for Public Action in 1950–60s Leningrad.” Now he continues his research on public protests, dissident movement and Samizdat in the late Soviet Union as the research fellow at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
In 2013, Kozlov defended his Ph.D. dissertation titled “Young Communist League and identities of Soviet Youth during the Thaw period.” He graduated from Pomor State University (Arkhangelsk) in 2009. His research projects have been supported by the Hans Koschnick Foundation (2017), the Volkswagen Foundation (2016), the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation (2013, 2014), and the Marion Doenhoff Foundation (2012).
Major Publications
- Feminist Samizdat. 40 years Later. Ed. by: Dmitry Kozlov, Oksana Vasyakina and Sasha Talaver (Moscow: Common Place, 2020). [In Russian]
- “Do you dare to go to the square?” The legacy of Soviet dissidents in Russian public protests of the 2000s and 2010s", Post-Soviet Affairs, Vol. 36. No. 3. 2020. P. 211-225.
- "The Two Revolutions and Two Component Parts of Political Dissent of the “Thaw” Period, Sotsiologiia vlasti. Vol. 29. No. 2. 2017. P. 153–177. [In Russian]
- "Under the Guise of Overcoming the Cult of Personality: The Unrealized Reform of School History Teaching (1956–1957)", Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space. No. 2. 2017. P. 93–122. [In Russian]
- "Unofficial groups of Soviet schoolchildren in the 1940–60s: typology, ideology, practices", in Islands of Utopia: Pedagogical and social projects of post-war schooling (1940–1980s) (Мoscow: New Literary Observer, 2015), P. 451–494. [In Russian]