Elizabeth Tyson
Global Fellow
Professional Affiliation
Explorer Fellow with the National Geographic Society in the Citizen Explorer Labs
Expert Bio
Elizabeth is a Global Fellow for the Science and Technology Innovation Program and conducts original research and hosts strategic workshops to support community science and civic participation in furthering environmental protection and governance and diverse stakeholder collaboration and cooperation.
Elizabeth completed a dual-degree M.S. in the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources from Colorado State University and El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Chiapas, Mexico, and a B.A. in Religious Studies and Environmental Studies from Guilford College in Greensboro, NC. Her thesis work studied the application of a mobile data collection system for community based natural resource monitoring and carbon accounting on coffee farms buffering El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve in the Sierra Madre, Chiapas. More information on this research can be found here: http://bit.ly/1MH2ZYs.
Wilson Center Project
Citizen Science Mosquito Monitoring Technical Workshop
Major Publications
Tyson, E., Bowser, A., Palmer, J., Kapan, D., Bartumeus, F., Martin, B., Pauwels, E.. (April 2018). Global Mosquito Alert: Building citizen science capacity for surveillance and control of disease-vector mosquitoes. Wilson Center.