Pilar Bonet

Former Public Policy Scholar

Professional Affiliation

Chief Correspondent in Moscow, in charge of the Russian Federation, CIS countries, and Georgia, El País

Wilson Center Project

“The Long Agony of the Russian Empire and its Legacy”

Previous Terms

September 1991 - July 1992: Project Title: "The Russian Factor in the Democratization of the USSR: a study of new political institutions in Russia" Project Summary:New political institutions in Russia. Project focuses on the Russian Parliament, as elected in the spring of 1990, and its leader Boris Yeltsin and tries to clarify their contribution to the formation of a civil society in the republic which has been the main integrating factor of the USSR. Exploration of the chances that the new political institutions and Mr. Yeltsin’s team have to achieve a breakthrough in Russian history, overcome the Russian imperial awareness and lead the country towards democratization and market oriented economy without violence and bloodshed.