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Plan International Canada

    Professional affiliation


    Full Biography

    Plan International Canada is a member of a global organization that strives for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We affirm that gender justice is critical for sustainable development and progress in any thematic area requiring holistic gender transformative change. Plan International has been building powerful partnerships with women, girls and allies in communities, women’s rights and youth led movements, civil society and governments for over 80 years and is now active in more than 75 countries. Together we confront intersectional discrimination and rights violations to tackle the root causes of gender inequality and reshape unequal power relations so that everyone, particularly girls and women in their diversity can realize their rights and reach their full potential. Our rights-based gender transformative approach cuts across our programs including education, health, economic empowerment, gender-based violence, child early and forced marriage etc. -- and works at multiple levels of change from the individual to the household, community, policies, laws and systems. At the heart of this approach is the inherent individual and collective agency and leadership of women and girls in their diversity as the key agents of change in their societies. For more information please visit