Robert I. Rotberg
Former Fellow
Professional Affiliation
Founding Director of the Intrastate Conflict Program, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Expert Bio
Robert Rotberg is the Founding Director of Harvard Kennedy School's Program on Intrastate Conflict and President Emeritus of the World Peace Foundation. He was President of Lafayette College and Academic Vice President of Tufts University, and Professor of Political Science at MIT. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was Fulbright Research Professor at the Paterson School (Carleton) and the Balsillie School (Waterloo), both international affairs graduate schools in Canada. He has published a number of books on failed states, governance, corruption, African politics, Burma, Haiti, and Sri Lanka, plus books on China in Africa and preventing genocide.
Wilson Center Project
“Curbing Corruption: Best Practices for Africa.”
Project Summary
Corruption is a known scourge. But a few countries are not corrupt. This project will learn from the anti-corruption success stories to craft methods to curb corruption in those many countries where corruption runs rampant.
Major Publications
Africa Emerges: Consummate Challenges, Abundant Opportunities (2013)
Transformative Political Leadership (2012)
Strengthening Governance in South Africa (2014)
Previous Terms
January 2011 - July 2014