Stefano Bottoni
Expert Bio
Stefano Bottoni is a senior research fellow at the Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a visiting fellow at the Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena (March-November 2015). Between 2005 and 2013, he held courses on the history of contemporary Eastern Europe at the University of Bologna. His main fields of interest include the political and social history of Eastern Europe under the socialist regimes, with a special focus on national policies in Romania and the Hungarian minority of Transylvania. He has taken part in several international research projects, including “Schleichwege”: Inoffizielle Begegnungen und Kontakte sozialistischer Staatsbürger 1956 – 1989 (Volkswagen Stiftung), and Physical Violence in State Socialism (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung). His list of publications include five monographs including the recent Long Awaited West. Eastern Europe since 1944. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, October 2017), and the forthcoming Stalin’s Legacy in Romania. The Hungarian Autonomous Region, 1952-1960. Langham: Lexington Books, Harvard Cold War Series Book Series, 2018), as well as several articles published in peer-reviewed international journals.
Insight & Analysis by Stefano Bottoni
- Blog post
- Cold War
State Violence and Social Control in Communist Romania