Steven Jackson

Global Fellow

Professional Affiliation

Former Professor of Political Science, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Expert Bio

Steven F. Jackson, PhD was professor of political science at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for 29 years before retiring in July 2023 to pursue full time research and writing. His focus is on Chinese foreign relations in Asia and Africa, and his book China’s Regional Relations in Comparative Perspective compare China’s behavior with that of other regional hegemons. He has also published scholarly chapters and articles on Chinese environmental diplomacy, China-Japan relations, and China’s challenge to US allies in the Pacific. Dr. Jackson received his PhD in Political Science at the University of Michigan, and his AB degree with distinction at Stanford University. 


Wilson Center Project

China’s Waters: Foreign Relations and Hydropolitics

Major Publications

China’s Regional Relations in Comparative Perspective: From Harmonious Neighbors to Strategic Partners. London; New York: Routledge, 2018.  

“Greening the Belt While Paving the Road: China’s Environmental Diplomacy Challenge.” In World Scientific Reference Volume III: Environment, Sustainability, and Human Security, ed. Zhiqun Zhu.  Singapore: World Scientific, 2023.

“Defending a Country that Doesn’t Exist with a Military that Isn’t Allowed: Japan-Taiwan Relations and Potential Defense Role,” Policy Brief 22, Network for Strategic Analysis, 12 July, 2022.

“China’s Relations with US Pacific Rim Allies: Tensions Between Trump’s ‘America First’ and Chinese ‘Sharp Power’” In America’s Allies and the Decline of US Hegemony,. Jonathan Paquin and Justin Massie, eds., 58-77. London; New York: Routledge, 2020.