Suna Jeong
Professional affiliation
Wilson Center Projects
Interactive and Iterative Process of Aid Allocation Decision: A Historical Comparison of US Aid Allocation to South Korea between under Rhee Syngman and under Park Chunghee Administration
Full Biography
Suna Jeong received both her B.A. and her M.A. in Political Science from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Her master’s thesis was on why China still received foreign aid. Before joining the Center, she was involved in many research projects in the field of international relations as a research assistant. Her primary research interests are the dynamics of development finances, ranging from the determinants of public and private international capital transfers to their effects and consequences on developing economies. Related interests are stakes and interactions of stakeholders involved in development at the regional and country level. She takes both qualitative and quantitative methods in her studies.
Major Publications
Suna Jeong and Youngwan Kim. (2017). The Determinants of Chinese Foreign Aid to the Pacific Island Countries. Social Science Review, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 68-88 (KCI, In Korean)