Takashi Terada
Former Japan Scholar
Professional Affiliation
Operating Advisor, USJI; Professor, Doshisha University
Expert Bio
Takashi Terada is professor of international relations at the Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University, and will be professor at Doshisha University from March 2012. Before taking up his position at Waseda, Terada was an assistant professor at the National University of Singapore. His most recent works in English include “The Origins of ASEAN+6 and Japan's Initiatives: China’s Rise and the Agent-Structure Analysis” in The Pacific Review (2010) and Critical Perspectives in World Economy: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, 5 Volumes, (Routledge, 2007), co-edited with Peter Drysdale. He is the recipient of the 2005 J.G. Crawford Award. He received his Ph.D. from Australian National University in 1999.
Wilson Center Project
Trade and Agriculture: Trans-Pacific Perspectives
Project Summary
Agriculture has often been a stumbling block in free trade negotiations. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), often seen as the economic component of the Obama Administration’s “Asia pivot,” is no exception. Can Japan’s leadership, which has indicated a willingness to join the TPP, surmount resistance from its domestic agricultural lobby? Is the TPP attractive to countries like Korea, which has enthusiastically negotiated separate bilateral free trade agreements, most notably with the United States? What are the problems and opportunities in the agreement for American agricultural producers? How do nations like New Zealand, an agricultural powerhouse and original member of the TPP, view the negotiating positions of potential new members to the agreement?
Major Publications
“The Origins of ASEAN+6 and Japan's Initiatives: China’s Rise and the Agent-Structure Analysis” in The Pacific Review (2010)
Critical Perspectives in World Economy: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, 5 Volumes, (Routledge, 2007), co-edited with Peter Drysdale.