Program Staff & Scholars
Program Staff

Kellee Wicker
Director, Science and Technology Innovation Program

Elizabeth M H Newbury
Director of the Serious Games Initiative; Senior Program Associate, Science and Technology Innovation Program

Alison Parker
Senior Program Associate

Sophie Goguichvili
Program Associate

Kara Struckman
Program Associate

Sonja R. O’Brien
Program Coordinator, Serious Games Initiative

Logan Shomo
Program Coordinator
Natalia Antelava
Editor-in-Chief, Coda Media and former BBC correspondent
Editor-in-Chief, Coda Media and former BBC correspondent

Maggie Feldman-Piltch
Global Fellow;
Founding Partner at Unicorn Strategies; Guest Lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School
Founding Partner at Unicorn Strategies; Guest Lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School

Worku Gachou
Global Fellow;
Head of North America Inclusive Impact & Sustainability, Visa, Inc.; Adjunct Professor, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
Head of North America Inclusive Impact & Sustainability, Visa, Inc.; Adjunct Professor, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

Leopoldo López
Public Policy Fellow;
National Coordinator of the Voluntad Popular political party, Venezuela
National Coordinator of the Voluntad Popular political party, Venezuela

Robin Shepherd
Global Fellow;
Advisor, Strider Technologies
Advisor, Strider Technologies

Sylwia Spurek
Wilson International Competition Fellow

Falan Yinug
Global Fellow;
Director of Economic Strategy, Qualcomm
Director of Economic Strategy, Qualcomm