CWIHP Bulletin No. 10 (March 1998): Leadership Transition in a Fractured Bloc
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Cold War International History Project

Issue Contents:
- "Editor’s Note: Leadership Transition in a Fractured Bloc" - David Wolff
- "The Drama of the Plenums: A Call to Arms" - David Wolff
- "Declassified Materials from CPSU Central Committee Plenums: Sources, Context, Highlights" - Mark Kramer
- "Central Committee Plenums, 1941-1966: Contents and Implications" - Gael Moullec
- "CPSU Plenums, Leadership Struggles, and Soviet Cold War Politics" - Vladislav Zubok
- "Plenum Transcript Excerpts (January 1955, July 1955, March 1956, June 1957)"
- "Khrushchev’s Second Secret Speech" - Leo Gluchowski
- "This Is Not A Politburo, But A Madhouse": The Post-Stalin Succession Struggle, Soviet Deutschlandpolitik, and the SED: New Evidence from Russian, German, and Hungarian Archives - Christian Ostermann
- "Yugoslavia and the Cold War" - Christian Ostermann
- "The Soviet Bloc and the Initial Stage of the Cold War: Archival Documents on Stalin’s Meetings with Communist Leaders of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, 1946-1948" - Leonid Gibianskii
- "Soviet Plans to Establish the COMINFORM in Early 1946: New Evidence from the Hungarian Archives" - Csaba Békés
- "Stalin’s Plan to Assassinate Tito"
- "The Turn in Soviet-Yugoslav Relations, 1953-55" - Andrei Edemskii
- "Soviet-Yugoslav Relations and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956" - Leonid Gibianskii
- "In Memoriam: Deng Xiaoping and the Cold War" - David Wolff
- "Look What Chaos in the Beautiful Socialist Camp! Deng Xiaoping and the Sino-Soviet Split, 1956-1963" - Vladislav Zubok
- "Deng Xiaoping, Mao’s 'Continuous Revolution,' and the Path Toward the Sino-Soviet Split" - Chen Jian
- "Deng Xiaoping’s Talks with the Soviet Ambassador and Leadership, 1957-1963" - Compilation
- "Cold War Endpoints?: Beginning the Debate" - David Wolff
- "When Did the Cold War End?" - Thomas Blanton
- "Stalemate in an Era of Change: New Sources and Questions on Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Soviet/Russian-Japanese Relations" - Tsuyoshi Hasegawa
- "The Last Official Foreign Visit by M.S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR: The Road to Tokyo" - A.S. Cherniaev
Research Notes
- "Andropov’s Report to Brezhnev on the KGB in 1967" - Raymond L. Garthoff
- "Annual Report of the KGB to Leonid Brezhnev on its Operations for 1967" - Amy Knight
- "The Pitsunda Decision: Khrushchev and Nuclear Weapons" - Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali
- "The Conference on Poland, 1980-1982: Internal Crisis, International Dimensions" - Raymond L. Garthoff
- "Ukraine and the Soviet-Czechoslovak Crisis of 1968 (Part 1): New Evidence from the Diary of Petro Shelest" - Mark Kramer
- "Report from Sarajevo: The Bosnian Archives Survive" - Jim Hershberg

David Wolff
Former Senior Scholar;
Professor, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
Professor, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University

Christian F. Ostermann
Director, History and Public Policy Program; Cold War International History Project; North Korea Documentation Project; Nuclear Proliferation International History Project;
Woodrow Wilson Center
Schedule interview
Woodrow Wilson Center
Cold War International History Project
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