Issue Contents:
- "The Global Cuban Missile Crisis" - James G. Hershberg
- "The Cuban Missile Crisis Just Isn’t What It Used to Be" - Thomas S. Blanton
- "Back to the Archives: The Cuban Missile Crisis at 50" - Martin J. Sherwin
- "Sino-Cuban Relations and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1960-62: New Chinese Evidence" - Documents provided by Shen Zhihua and Sergey Radchenko; translated by Zhang Qian; introduced by James G. Hershberg and Sergey Radchenko
- "Japan and the Cuban Missile Crisis" - Documents obtained, translated, and introduced by Masaki Hirata
- "The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Origins of North Korea’s Policy of Self-Reliance in National Defense" - Documents introduced by James F. Person
- "North Vietnam and the Cuban Missile Crisis" - Pierre Asselin
- "Mongolia and the Cuban Missile Crisis—A Glimpse Inside the Ulaanbaatar Archives" - Document introduced and translated by Sergey Radchenko
Latin America
- "The Final Frontier: Cuban Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis" - Introduced by James G. Hershberg
- "Chatting with Che: Conversations in 1961 between Cuban Revolutionary Ernesto Guevara and the Soviet Ambassador in Havana" - Brazilian Record of his Meeting in Punta del Este with JFK Aide Richard Goodwin; introduced by James G. Hershberg
- "Before the Bay of Pigs—What Did the Cubans Know? Cuban Intelligence Reports, January-May 1961" - Introduced by James G. Hershberg
- "Mexican Diplomacy and the Cuban Missile Crisis" - Documents from the Foreign Ministry Archives in Mexico City, introduced by Tanya Harmer
- "The Anti-Castro Cuban Émigré Forces: Mexican Documents, 1961-1963" - Obtained by Jorge Mendoza Castro; translated by Tanya Harmer
- "Brazil and the Cuban Missile Crisis: Documents from the Foreign Ministry Archives in Brasília" - Obtained, translated, and introduced by James G. Hershberg
- "Chile and Brazilian Mediation during the Cuban Missile Crisis: Documents from the Foreign Ministry Archives in Santiago" - Obtained and translated by Eduardo Baudet and Tanya Harmer
Soviet Union
- "The Malin Notes: Glimpses Inside the Kremlin during the Cuban Missile Crisis" - Introduced by Timothy Naftali; translated and annotated by Mark Kramer with assistance from Timothy Naftali
- "A Trigger for Khrushchev’s Deployment? Alexei Adzhubei’s Report on His Conversation with John F. Kennedy, 30 January 1962" - Introduced by James G. Hershberg
- "The Polyansky Report on Khrushchev’s Mistakes in Foreign Policy, October 1964—Excerpt on The Cuban Missile Crisis" - Translated by Svetlana Savranskaya
- "The Soviet Cuban Missile Crisis: Documents on Anastas Mikoyan’s November 1962 Trip to Cuba" - Introduced by Svetlana Savranskaya
Communist Europe
- "Czechoslovakia-Cuba Relations and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1959-1962: Evidence from the Prague Archives" - Introduced by James G. Hershberg
- "Hungary and the Cuban Missile Crisis: Selected Documents, 1961-63" - Introduced by Csaba Békés and Melinda Kalmár
- "Poland, Cuba, and the Missile Crisis, 1962: Ciphered Telegrams from the Foreign Ministry Archives in Warsaw" - Obtained and introduced by James G. Hershberg; translated by Margaret K. Gnoinska
Non-Communist Europe and Israel
- "Konrad Adenauer and the Cuban Missile Crisis: West German Documents" - Introduced by Christian F. Ostermann
- "Italy and the Cuban Missile Crisis" - Sources introduced and translated by Leopoldo Nuti
- "Switzerland and the Cuban Missile Crisis" - Documents obtained, translated, and introduced by Stephanie Popp
- "Israeli Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis" - Obtained, translated, and introduced by Guy Laron
Aftermaths, 1965-1968
- "A Mystery Wrapped in a Riddle and Kept in a Sphinx: New Evidence on Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin’s Trip to Cuba, June 1967" - Introduced by Philip Brenner

Professor of History and International Affairs at George Washington University

Woodrow Wilson Center
Cold War International History Project
The Cold War International History Project supports the full and prompt release of historical materials by governments on all sides of the Cold War. Read more
North Korea International Documentation Project
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Nuclear Proliferation International History Project
The Nuclear Proliferation International History Project is a global network of individuals and institutions engaged in the study of international nuclear history through archival documents, oral history interviews, and other empirical sources. Read more