Recent Trends in the Study of Cold War History in China
CWIHP is pleased to announce the release of "Recent Trends in the Study of Cold War History in China," written by Zhi Liang, Yafeng Xia, and Ming Chen. "Recent Trends in the Study of Cold War History in China" offers a survey of the most up-to-date scholarship on the Cold War being produced by Chinese scholars in Mainland China and argues that the study of Cold War history in China has continued to evolve and improve over the last decade and particularly over the last five years.
This paper is one of a series of Occasional Papers published through the East China Normal University-Wilson Center Cold War Studies Initiative. The ECNU-Wilson Center Cold War Studies Initiative is a natural outgrowth of the longstanding, close relationship between the Wilson Center's flagship Cold War International History Project (CWIHP) and East China Normal University's (ECNU) Cold War International Studies Center. The goal of the initiative is to further scholarly research and exchanges on the Cold War in general and on the Cold War-era history of the US-China relationship in particular, with a view towards deepening mutual understanding and cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the United States. This initiative produces a series of international conferences, workshops and seminars, as well as a series of online and hardcopy publications as a result of the scholarly exchanges and meetings

Professor of History, Long Island University

Fellow, Tokyo Foundation; PhD. Candidate, Peking University/Waseda University
History and Public Policy Program
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