Publications Resulting from the ECNU-Wilson Center Cold War Studies Initiative

Image removed.The following scholarly works were completed by scholars while in residence at the Wilson Center through the ECNU-Wilson Center Cold War Studies Initiative.

A natural outgrowth of the longstanding, close relationship between the Wilson Center's flagship Cold War International History Project (CWIHP) and ECNU's Cold War International Studies Center, the goal of the ECNU-Wilson Center Cold War Studies Initiative is to further scholarly research and exchanges on the Cold War in general and on the Cold War-era history of the US-China relationship in particular, with a view towards deepening mutual understanding and cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the United States.

邓峰 Deng Feng and 赵继珂 Zhao Jike. “美国学术界对美国新闻署的研究综述 Meiguo xueshujie dui Meiguo xinwenshu de yanjiu zongshu” ("A Survey of American Scholarly Studies on the US Information Agency"), 《冷战国际史研究》 Lengzhan guoji shi yanjiu (Cold War International History Studies), no.15 (2013): 223-250.

Liang, Zhi, Yafeng Xia, and Ming Chen. "Recent Trends in the Study of Cold War History in China." ECNU-WWICS Occasional Paper Series, no. 1 (October 2012).

宋良 Song Liang. "《美国的使命:美国与世界争取民主的斗争(修订版)》简介 Meiguo de shiming: Meiguo yu shijie zhengqu minzhu de douzheng (xiudingban) jianjie" ("A Brief Introduction to America's Mission: The United States and the Worldwide Struggle for Democracy (Expanded Edition)"). Lengzhan guoji shi yanjiu (Cold War International History Studies), no. 16 (2014): 109-114.

宋晓芹 Song Xiaoqin. "苏联与朝鲜战争:以联合国为研究平台的考察 Sulian yu Chaoxian zhanzheng: Yi lianheguo wei yanjiu pingtai de kaocha" ("The Soviet Union and the Korean War: An Examination Centering on Soviet Activities at the United Nations"). 《华东师范大学学报》 Huadong shifan daxue xurbao (Journal of East China Normal University), no. 6 (2013): 79-85.

夏亚峰 Xia Yafeng and 陈铭 Chen Ming. “《中美八一七公报》三十周年回顾和展望——中美关系中的台湾因素再评估:华盛顿地区美国知名智库资深学者访谈录 'Zhong Mei ba yi qi gongbao' huigu yu zhanwang--Zhong Mei guanxi zhong de Taiwan yinsu zai pinggu: Huashengdun diqu Meiguo zhiming zhiku zishen xuezhe fangtan lu” ("Recollection and Prospects of the 'August 17 Sino-American Communique' after Thirty Years: Reevaluations of the Taiwan Factor in the Sino-American Relationship by Senior Scholars from American Think-Tanks in Washington, DC). 《冷战国际史研究》 Lengzhan guoji shi yanjiu (Cold War International History Studies), no. 14 (Winter 2012): 1-24.

张杨 Zhang Yang. "20 世纪60 年代美国‘青年领袖项目’初探 Ershi shiji liushi niandai Meiguo 'qingnian lingxiu xiangmu' chutan" ("The US Youth Program in the 1960s"). 《世界历史》 Shijie lishi (World History), no. 4 (2012): 69-78.

张杨 Zhang Yang. "冷战共识--论美国政府与基金会对亚洲的教育援助项目 (1953-1961) Lengzhan gongshi: Lun Meiguo zhengfu yu jijinhui dui Yazhou de jiaoyu yuanzhu xiangmu (1953-1961)" ("Cold War Consensus: American Administrations and Foundations' Educational Aid Program for Asia, 1953-1961), 《武汉大学学报》 Wuhan daxue xuebao (Wuhan University Journal), no. 3 (2013): 60-68.

赵继珂 Zhao Jike. “美国国家档案馆有关美国新闻署的档案介绍 Meiguo guojia danganguan youguan Meiguo xinwenshu de dangan jieshao” ("Introduction to Archives on the US Information Agency available in US National Archives"). 《冷战国际史研究》 Lengzhan guoji shi yanjiu (Cold War International History Studies), no.14 (Winter 2012): 165-178.

赵继珂 Zhao Jike and 邓峰 Deng Feng. “美国新闻署在古巴导弹危机中的行为探析 Meiguo xinwenshu zai Guba daodan weiji zhong de xingwei tanxi” ("The Behavior of the US Information Agency during the Cuban Missile Crisis"). 《世界历史》 Shijie lishi (World History), no.3 (2013): 14-24.

赵继珂 Zhao Jike. “社会主义同盟的内斗机理新解读 Shehui zhuyi tongmeng de nei dou jili xin jiedu” ("A New Interpretation of the Internal Struggle within the Socialist Alliance," a book review of Collateral Damage: Sino-Soviet Rivalry and the Termination of the Sino-Vietnamese Alliance, by Nicholas Koo). 《二十一世纪》 Ershiyi shiji (21st Century), no.132 (2012): 146-149.