Urban Sustainability Laboratory Publications
Reports and Collected Works
Does Participatory Governance Matter? Exploring the Nature and Impact of Participatory Reforms, Comparative Urban Studies Project and Boise State University, 2011
By Brian Wampler and Stephanie L. McNulty
Dawn of the Smart City? Perspectives From New York, Ahmedabad, São Paulo, and Beijing, 2014
By Alexandros Washburn, Dhamodaran Ramakrishnan, Phillip Yang, Emilia Patino Anaya and Jianming Cai
Edited by Schuyler Null,Michael Darden, Allison Garland, and Susan Chan Shifflett
Locating Social Entrepreneurship in the Global South: Innovations in Development Aid, with Zeppelin University, 2014
Edited by Lisa Hanley and Allison Garland
Addressing the Affordable Housing Crunch: U.S. Policy Shifts, 2014
By Christina Rosan, research assistance from Yuan Huang
Crossover - Urban Water, Urban Transport, Urban Energy: Transforming Municipal Services and Urban Infrastructure, 2015
By Christina Olsen
Performing Community: Short Essays on Community, Diversity, Inclusion, and the Performing Arts, 2015
By Blair A. Ruble
Performing Community 2: Short Essays on Community, Diversity, Inclusion, and the Performing Arts, 2016
By Blair A. Ruble
Financing Affordable Housing: Defining Success, 2017
By Bessy M. Kong and Derek Hsiang
Performing Community 3: Short Essays on Community, Diversity, Inclusion, and the Performing Arts, 2018
By Blair A. Ruble
Performing Community 4: Short Essays on Community, Diversity, Inclusion, and the Performing Arts, 2020
By Blair A. Ruble
Reducing Urban Poverty Graduate Student Paper Competition
Reducing Urban Poverty: A New Generation of Ideas, 2011
Changing Cities: Climate, Youth, and Land Markets in Urban Areas, 2012
Innovation in Urban Development: Incremental Housing, Big Data, and Gender, 2013
Urban Opportunities: Perspectives on Climate Change, Resilience, Inclusion, and the Informal Economy, 2015
Urban Perspectives: Climate Change, Migration, Planning and Financing, 2017
Conference Reports
Opolot, Samson James, ed. Building Healthy Cities: Improving the Health of Urban Migrants and the Urban Poor in Africa, 2002
Tulchin, Joseph S., Varat, Diana H., and Blair A Ruble, eds. Democratic Governance and Urban Sustainability, 2002
Ruble, Blair A., Tulchin, Joseph S., Varat, Diana H., and Lisa M. Hanley, eds. Youth Explosion in Developing World Cities: Approaches to Reducing Poverty in an Urban Age, 2003
Hanley, Lisa M., Ruble, Blair A., and Joseph S. Tulchin, eds. Youth, Poverty, and Conflict in Southeast Asian Cities, 2004
Hanley, Lisa M., Ruble, Blair A., and Joseph S. Tulchin, eds. Becoming Global and the New Poverty of Cities, 2005
Eyoh, Dickson and Richard Stren, eds, Decentralization and the Politics of Urban Development in West Africa, 2007
Cain, Michael, Gelazis, Nida, and Tomasz Inglot, eds. Fighting Poverty and Reforming Social Security, 2005
Carrion, Fernando M., and Lisa Hanley, eds. Regeneración y revitalización urbana en las Américas: hacia un Estado estable, 2005
Carrion, Fernando M., and Lisa Hanley, eds. Urban Regeneration and Revitalization in the Americas: Toward A Stable State, 2007
Rosan, Christina, Ruble, Blair A., and Joseph S. Tulchin, eds. Urbanization, Population, Environment, and Security, 1999
Ruble, Blair A., Stren, Richard E., Tulchin, Joseph S., and Diana H. Varat, eds. Urban Governance Around the World, 2000
Saraiva, Miriam, ed. O Papel Das Cidades No Desenvolvimento Dos Pais. Maputo/Mocambique (The Role of the State in City Development: Maputo, Mozambique), 2007
Garland, Allison M., Massoumi, Mejgan, and Blair A. Ruble, eds. Global Urban Poverty: Setting the Agenda, 2007
Scribner, Megan, and Lauren Herzer Risi, eds. Community Resilience: A Cross-Cultural Study, Revitalizing Community Series, with Fetzer Institute, 2009
Scribner, Megan, and Lauren Herzer, eds. After the Disaster: Rebuilding Communities, Revitalizing Community Series, with Fetzer Institute, 2011
Scribner, Megan, Nepo, Mark, Dabelko, Geoffrey D., Wolf, Aaron, and Lauren Herzer Risi, eds. Our Shared Future: Environmental Pathways to Peace, Revitalizing Community Series, with Fetzer Institute, 2011
Policy Briefs
White, Michael J. Migration, Urbanization, and Social Adjustment, Policy Brief 1, 1999
Everatt, David. Yet Another Transition? Urbanization, Class Formation, and the End of National Liberation Struggle in South Africa, Policy Brief 2, 1999
Rogers, Peter, Kalbermatten, John, and Richard Middleton. Water for Big Cities: Big Problems, Easy Solutions? Policy Brief 3, 1999
Gilbert, Alan. Urbanization and Security, Policy Brief 4, 1999
Natural Disasters, Urban Health, and Development in Central America and the Caribbean, Policy Brief 5, 2000 Urban Update 4, 2000
Roy, Ananya. Against the Feminization of Policy, Urban Update 1, 2002
Harris, Nigel. Cities as Economic Development Tools, Urban Update 2, 2002
Ducci, María Elena. The Role of the Central Public Market in a Twenty-first Century Metropolis, Urban Update 3, 2004
Fagan, Craig. Perspectives on Urban Poverty in Latin America, Urban Update 4, 2004
Cohen, Michael A. Reframing Urban Assistance: Scale, Ambition, and Possibility, Urban Update 5, 2004
Careres, Martin. Health Crisis: HIV/AIDS in Developing World Cities, Urban Update 6, 2004
Hepburn, A. C. Ethnicity and Power in Contested Cities: the Historical Experience, Urban Update 7, 2006
Harre-Rogers, Dominique. Urban Studies in Cairo, Egypt, Urban Update 8, 2006
Wilheim, Jorge. Urbanization and Poverty Reduction: Subsidies to a Research Agenda and Beyond, Urban Update 9, 2006
Mabogunje, Akin L. Global Urban Poverty Research Agenda: The African Case, Urban Update 10, 2007
Budny, Daniel Nogueira. Democracy and The City: Assessing Urban Policy in Brazil, Urban Update 11, with Brazil Institute, 2007
AlSayyad, Nezar, Massoumi, Mejgan, and Mrinalini Rajagopalan. Cities and Fundamentalism, Urban Update 12, 2007
Eurasian Migration Series with Kennan Institute
Braichevska, Olena, Volosiuk, Halyna, Malynovska, Olena, Pylynskyi, Yaroslav, Popson, Nancy, and Blair A. Ruble. Nontraditional Immigrants in Kyiv, with Kennan Institute, 2004
Ruble, Blair A. Establishing a New Right to the Ukrainian City, Eurasian Migration Papers, with Kennan Institute, 2008
Herzer, Lauren, Klump, Sarah Dixon, and Malinkin, Mary Elizabeth, eds. Transnational Migration to New Regional Centers: Policy Challenges, Practice, and the Migrant Experience (Conference Proceedings), Eurasian Migration Papers 2, with Kennan Institute, 2009
Repnikova, Maria, and Harley Balzer. Chinese Migration to Russia: Missed Opportunities, Eurasian Migration Papers 3, with Kennan Institute, 2009
Hemmings, Hilary. Remittances, Recession…Returning Home? The Effects of the 2008 Economic Crisis on Tajik Migrant Labor in Moscow, Eurasian Migration Papers 4, with Kennan Institute, 2010
Popson, Nancy, ed. Demography, Migration, and Tolerance: Comparing the Russian, Ukrainian, and U.S. Experience, Eurasian Migration Papers 5, with Kennan Institute, 2010
Rozanova, Marya S. Migration Processes and Challenges in Contemporary Russia (St. Petersburg Case Study), Eurasian Migration Papers 6, with Kennan Institute, 2012
Malinkin, Mary Elizabeth. A Wary Welcome: Varying Reception of Migrants in Russian Cities, Eurasian Migration Papers 7, with Kennan Institute, 2013
Ruble, Blair A. Dancing towards Revolution in Kyiv, Kennan Cable 3, 2014
Comparative Urban Studies Occasional Paper Series
Glazer, Nathan. New York: The Fate of a World City? No. 1, 1993
Singer, Paul. São Paulo's Master Plan, 1989-92: The Politics of Urban Space No. 2, 1994
Savitch, H.V.; Kantor, Paul. Urban Mobilization of Private Capital: A Cross-National Comparison, No. 3, 1994
Tulchin, Joseph S. Global Forces and the Future of the Latin American City, No. 4, 1994
Sassen, Sasika. Urban Impacts of Economic Globalization, No. 5, 1995
Bergman, Edward M. The Bratislava-Vienna Development Corridor Region: Slovakia's Development Prospects, No. 6, 1995
Vysokovskii, Aleksandr. Stillborn Environments: The New Soviet Town of the 1960s and Urban Life in Russia Today, No. 7, 1995
Dos Santos Oliveira, Ney. Race, Class and the Political Mobilization of the Poor: Ghettos in New York and Favelas in Rio de Janeiro, No. 8, 1997
Subiros, Josep. Space and Culture in Washington, DC: A Capital in Search of a City, No. 9, 1997
Schteingart, Martha. Poverty and Social Policies in the United States and Mexico: The Cases of Washington, D.C. and Mexico City, No. 10, 1997
Henig, Jeffrey. Building Conditions for Sustainable School Reform in the District of Columbia, No. 11, 1997
Portz, John. External Actors and the Boston Public Schools: The Courts, the Business Community, and the Mayor, No. 12, 1997
Orr, Marion. Mayoral Leadership and Interest Group Politics: School Reform in Baltimore, No. 13, 1997
Satterthwaite, David. Can U.N. Conferences Promote Poverty Reduction? A Review of the Istanbul Declaration, No. 14, 1997
Renner, Michael. Environmental and Social Stress Factors, Governance, and Small Arms Availability: The Potential For Conflict in Urban Areas, No. 15, 1998
Stren, Richard. Urban Research in the Developing World: From Governance to Security, No. 16, 1998
Voronin, Yurity. Organized Crime: Its Influence on International Security and Urban Community Life in the Industrial Cities of the Urals, No. 17, 1998
Savitch, H.V. Small Ships on a Global Sea: Local Democracy in a Turbulent Age, No. 18, 1998
Vaguine, Vladimir. The Russian Provincial City: Key Elements of the Structure of Life, No. 19, 1998
Participatory Urban Environmental Management: The Case of Ahmedabad, India, No. 20, 1999
Yacoob, May and Margo Kelly. Secondary Cities in West Africa: The Challenge for Environmental Health and Prevention, No. 21, 1999
Brennan, Ellen. Population, Urbanization, Environment, and Security: A Summary of the Issues, No. 22, 1999
Wilheim, Jorge. Overcoming the Trauma of Transition: Trends and Changes on the Threshold of the 21st Century, No. 23, 1999
Everatt, David. Yet Another Transition? Urbanization, Class Formation, and the End of the National Liberation Struggle in South Africa, No. 24, 1999
Malombe, Joyce. State and Local Approaches to Poverty in Washington, D.C., No. 25, 1999
Rolnik, Raquel. Territorial Exclusion and Violence: The Case of São Paulo, Brazil, No. 26, 1999
Sivaramakrishnan, K.C. The Legacy of Habitat: Issues of Governance, No. 27, 1999
Glazychev, Vyacheslav. Public Housing in Washington, D.C.: With Moscow in Mind, No. 28, 1999
Werna, Edmundo. Modes of Low-Income Housing Provision in Washington, D.C.: A Comparative Look at Policymaking for Developing Countries, No. 29, 1999
Halfani, Mohamed. Local Dynamism and the Governance of Washington, D.C.: A Study on the Scope of Civil Society-State Engagement, No. 30, 1999
Gilbert, Alan. Urbanization and Security, No. 31, 1999
Jacobi, Pedro. Challenging Traditional Participation in Brazil: The Goals of Participatory Budgeting, No. 32, 1999
Cardia, Nancy. Urban Violence in São Paulo, No. 33, 2000
Ducci, Maria Elena. Governance, Urban Environment, and the Growing Role of Civil Society, No. 34, 2000
Rogers, Peter, Bouhia Hynd, and John M. Kalbermatten. Water for Big Cities: Big Problems, Easy Solutions? No. 35, 2001
Savitch, H.V. and Grigoriy Ardashev. Cities and Security: A Risk Factor Approach, No. 36, 2001
Ramer, Samuel C. and Blair Ruble, eds. Place, Identity, and Urban Culture: Odesa and New Orleans, with Kennan Institute, Occasional Paper 301, 2008
Grant, Steven A., ed. Soviet Housing and Urban Design. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1980.
Brumfield, William C., ed. Reshaping Russian Architecture: Western Technology, Utopian Dreams. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Morse, Richard M.; Hardoy, Jorge E., eds. Rethinking the Latin American City. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Brumfield, William C.; Ruble, Blair, eds. Russian Housing in the Modern Age: Design and Social History. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Davis, Deborah S.; Kraus, Richard; Naughton, Barry; Perry, Elizabeth J., eds. Urban Spaces in Contemporary China: The Potential for Autonomy and Community in Post-Mao China. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Ruble, Blair A. Money Sings: The Changing Politics of Urban Space in Post-Soviet Yaroslavl. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Rusk, David. Cities without Suburbs. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1993; 2d ed. 1995.
Cohen, Michael A., et al., eds. Preparing for the Urban Future. Global Pressures and Local Forces. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
Ruble, Blair A. Second Metropolis: Pragmatic Pluralism in Gilded Age Chicago, Silver Age Moscow, and Meiji Osaka. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Ruble, Blair A. Creating Diversity Capital: Transnational Migrants in Montreal, Washington, and Kyiv. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
Laquian, Aprodicio A.; Tewari, Vinod; Hanley, Lisa M., eds. The Inclusive City. Infrastructure and Public Services for the Urban Poor in Asia. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.
Hanley, Lisa M.; Ruble, Blair A.; Garland, Allison, eds. Immigration and Integration in Urban Communities: Renegotiating the City. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
Kihato, Caroline Wanjiku, Massoumi, Mejgan, Ruble, Blair A., eds. Urban Diversity: Space, Culture, and Inclusive Pluralism in Cities Worldwide. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
Ruble, Blair A. Washington's U Street: A Biography. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
Ruble, Blair A. The Muse of Urban Delirium: How the Performing Arts Paradoxically Transform Conflict-Ridden Cities Into Centers of Cultural Innovation. Washington, D.C.: New Academia Publishing, 2017.