US Extended Continental Shelf
Welcome to the Wilson Center's comprehensive hub dedicated to the United States Extended Continental Shelf (ECS). Explore the background and impact of the US ECS Project through a variety of ECS-related publications and content, and dive into an informative journey through the depths of maritime boundaries and resources.
What is the ECS?
Understanding the background and history of maritime territorial zones and extended continental shelf claims is crucial for grasping the potential implications of the US Extended Continental Shelf Project. The two publications below offer unique perspectives and context for the United States Extended Continental Shelf endeavor.
Understanding the US ECS
Arctic Horizons: A Primer and Critical Questions on Extending US Territory in the Arctic Ocean
Securing US Territorial Rights in the Arctic: New Actions to Protect America's Continental Shelf
Reactions and Insights
Learn More
Five Takeaways from the US Continental Shelf Announcement

US Makes its Move in the Arctic: How Will Moscow Respond?

Strategic Implication of the US Extended Continental Shelf
This collection of insights and and analyses is brought to you by the Polar Institute, Canada Institute, and the Environmental Change and Security Program.