Celebrating New Talent

At the Canada Institute, we believe that supporting the research interests of our interns is integral to their development as future leaders. During their term in Washington, our interns support the research and programming efforts of the Institute, but we also encourage them to conduct research on topics of interest to them. By the time they head back to school, we want each one to leave with an independent publication of their own that we publish on our website and share with our mailing list.

Celebrating New Talent

At the Canada Institute, we believe that supporting the research interests of our interns is integral to their development as future leaders. During their term in Washington, our interns support the research and programming efforts of the Institute, but we also encourage them to conduct research on topics of interest to them. By the time they head back to school, we want each one to leave with an independent publication of their own that we publish on our website and share with our mailing list.

In his article, Sebastian Marotta, a public policy undergraduate at Princeton University, asks “Can the U.S. Solve Gerrymandering? Lessons from Unlikely Sources”.  To answer the question, Sebastian examines Canada’s redistribution system, and suggests that real reform is possible in the United States. Sebastian’s full article is here.

Abby Madan, an undergraduate at the University of California, Berkeley compares the public health systems between Canada and the United States in her article, "Health Care Delivery in America Why Canada Does it Better". Read Abby's full article here

Our Fall 2015 intern DJ Livermore examined the possibility of Canadian Senate reform in his paper, "Reforming Canada’s Senate Impractical, If Not Impossible", and cautioned against the United States' Senate as a model for Canada. Read his article here

Corey Scott, a fourth-year student at Quinnipiac University discusses the importance of a balanced hard and soft power coalition to defeat ISIS in his article, "A Comprehensive Counter-Insurgency  Strategy: How a return to hard power can benefit the Trudeau government". Read his article here

Alessandra Jenkins, our Summer 2016 intern from the Munk School of Global Affairs, reflects on the latest push for Innovation by the Canadian government, and asks: "Canada's Innovation Agenda" The same old story? Or a new way forward?" Read her article here

Another one of our Summer 2016 intern's, Madeleine Cavanagh, examined the ever increasing importance of Canada's role in a post-Paris climate summit, and the importance of a climate legacy for Prime Minister Trudeau. Read her article here

Our students’ ideas are fresh and thought provoking, and although they have left their post as interns, we’re sure you’re going to hear from them again. We want that the Canada Institute to serve as a stepping stone to help our interns become prominent professionals in their fields.

Canada Institute

The mission of the Wilson Center's Canada Institute is to raise the level of knowledge of Canada in the United States, particularly within the Washington, DC policy community.  Research projects, initiatives, podcasts, and publications cover contemporary Canada, US-Canadian relations, North American political economy, and Canada's global role as it intersects with US national interests.   Read more

Canada Institute