Austin Jersild

Former Short-Term Scholar

Professional Affiliation

Professor, Department of History, Old Dominion University

Expert Bio

Austin Jersild is Professor of History, Chair of the Department of History, and Affiliate of the Graduate Program in International Studies at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.  He is the author of The Sino-Soviet Alliance:  An International History (Chapel Hill:  University of North Carolina Press, 2014), and a previous contributor to the CWIHP Digital Archive (e-Dossiers nos. 41, 43, and 46).

Wilson Center Project

"American Domesticity and the Socialist Bloc: Exhibits and the Discovery of Strategic Consumerism"

Project Summary

The American model and presence was always in the background to Soviet exhibit planning discussions as well as the Chinese responses to the exhibits. It’s the study of the American production of international exhibits in the Cold War.

Previous Terms

Wilson Center Project(s): From Frontier to Empire: The Russification in the Caucasus, 1845-1917 Term: May 01, 1987- Aug 01, 1987. Project Summary Russia'’s conquest of the Caucasus as a means of studying the issues of Russification, colonialism and the character of the Russian Empire a contrast of the old regime empire of the early 19th century, shaped by traditional concerns such as tsar, army Orthodoxy and the clarification of Imperial borders, with attempts by Russian and non-Russian figures in the emerging colonial communities to rethink the purpose of the conquest and the empire itself