Meghan Howat
Former Intern
Expert Bio
Latin American Program Staff Intern
Meghan Howat is a rising senior studying Economics and Theology at the University of Notre Dame. During the summer of 2019, she worked as a research assistant under Dr. Caroline Hughes at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, where she studied North-South cooperation in the Colombian peace process and contributed to three articles, one of which was recently featured in Development and Change. After studying in Santiago, Chile last fall, she became interested in democracy and the rule of law in Latin America, as well as sustainable development in the Andean region and the role of education, innovation, and social entrepreneurship in this process. In the future, she hopes to continue to work in Latin American policy and pursue further study in the economics of innovation and environmental change.
Insight & Analysis by Meghan Howat
- Blog post
- Environment
A Stolen Season, or a Glimpse of a Cleaner Future?
- Blog post
- Coronavirus