Alexander Urzhanov
Professional Affiliation
Co-founder and Director, Amurskie Volny documentary film studio
Expert Bio
Александр Уржанов — сооснователь и директор студии документального кино «Амурские волны», продюсер более 40 фильмов и сериалов. До 2016 года — креативный продюсер телеканала РБК, директор видеодепартамента Arzamas, шеф-редактор программ на НТВ и «Дожде».
Alexander Urzhanov is a co-founder and director of the Amurskie Volny documentary film studio. He has produced over 40 films and series. Before 2016, he was a creative producer of the RBC television channel, director of the video department at Arzamas, and managing editor of programs on NTV and TV Rain.